
Mobil&Voorsluis © Rik Engelgeer

Mobil&Voorsluis (NL) ECHT

Artist couple 'De Magnifico's' has been performing for years with their variety show that focuses on singing, dancing and magic. While one goes for entertainment, the other embraces the high arts, opera, ballet, classical music. Unfortunately, the Magificos can no longer keep up the appearance of a perfect marriage and their egos appear to be bigger than there is room on stage. ECHT is a shameless comedy full of hilarity and recognition, because living together is sometimes very difficult. The artist couple 'De Magnifico's' is played by Aat Dirks and Merel Voorsluis, who are also married and artists in 'real' life. That is certainly no coincidence...

Duration: 30 min
Language: -
Age: ALL


Show times and venues

Day Time Venue Entrance
Sat 24 Aug 2024 14.00-14.30 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show
Sat 24 Aug 2024 16.30-17.00 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show
Sun 25 Aug 2024 14.00-14.30 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show
Sun 25 Aug 2024 16.30-17.00 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show

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Mobil&Voorsluis © Rik Engelgeer

Mobil&Voorsluis (NL) ECHT

Artist couple 'De Magnifico's' has been performing for years with their variety show that focuses on singing, dancing and magic. While one goes for entertainment, the other embraces the high arts, opera, ballet, classical music. Unfortunately, the Magificos can no longer keep up the appearance of a perfect marriage and their egos appear to be bigger than there is room on stage. ECHT is a shameless comedy full of hilarity and recognition, because living together is sometimes very difficult. The artist couple 'De Magnifico's' is played by Aat Dirks and Merel Voorsluis, who are also married and artists in 'real' life. That is certainly no coincidence...

Duration: 30 min
Language: -
Age: ALL


Show times and venues

Day Time Venue Entrance Put in my agenda
Sat 24 Aug 2024 14.00-14.30 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sat 24 Aug 2024 16.30-17.00 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sun 25 Aug 2024 14.00-14.30 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sun 25 Aug 2024 16.30-17.00 #2 Paternosterstraat Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google

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