Tappin-It Collective

Tappin-It Collective (NL) GAMBIT

G A M B I T is a rhythmic, physical and visual pas de deux between two extreme opposites who meet in a black and white world on a black and white checkered dance floor. The opposites find themselves in a game where one thing is unclear: should there be a winner or should they win together? They take strategic steps towards each other, become intertwined, explore their mutual differences and try to adapt their rhythms to each other. Should their feet land on the same ground, should they make compromises or should they try to outdo the other?Tappin-It Collective researches the question: how to understand the other? Through counter-rhythms in contemporary tap, percussion, voices and physical theatre, Tappin-It Collective embarks on a journey of discovery through the - currently - gray area between themself and the other. They want to transport the audience into a universe where complexity is celebrated and polyphony is powerful.

Duration: 20 min
Language: Language no problem
Age: all

 Tappin-It Collective

Show times and venues

Day Time Venue Entrance
Sat 24 Aug 2024 14.30-14.50 Pay what you can after the show
Sat 24 Aug 2024 16.00-16.20 Pay what you can after the show
Sun 25 Aug 2024 14.30-14.50 Pay what you can after the show
Sun 25 Aug 2024 16.00-16.20 Pay what you can after the show

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Tappin-It Collective

Tappin-It Collective (NL) GAMBIT

G A M B I T is a rhythmic, physical and visual pas de deux between two extreme opposites who meet in a black and white world on a black and white checkered dance floor. The opposites find themselves in a game where one thing is unclear: should there be a winner or should they win together? They take strategic steps towards each other, become intertwined, explore their mutual differences and try to adapt their rhythms to each other. Should their feet land on the same ground, should they make compromises or should they try to outdo the other?Tappin-It Collective researches the question: how to understand the other? Through counter-rhythms in contemporary tap, percussion, voices and physical theatre, Tappin-It Collective embarks on a journey of discovery through the - currently - gray area between themself and the other. They want to transport the audience into a universe where complexity is celebrated and polyphony is powerful.

Duration: 20 min
Language: Language no problem
Age: all

 Tappin-It Collective

Show times and venues

Day Time Venue Entrance Put in my agenda
Sat 24 Aug 2024 14.30-14.50 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sat 24 Aug 2024 16.00-16.20 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sun 25 Aug 2024 14.30-14.50 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sun 25 Aug 2024 16.00-16.20 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google

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