Collectief DansBlok

Éryn Nieuwint

Collectief DansBlok (NL) FRAME

'FRAME' is a dance performance about taking up space and discovering each other's boundaries. What does space actually mean, can space belong to someone? Which boundaries should you guard, which ones should you shift and when does the boundary fade or is it even crossed?

Two people in a fenced off frame sense each other's presence and the space. With detailed movements they get to know each other's point of view. Approach and resistance alternate. What at first looks playful and innocent leads to more and more friction and roughness. There is throwing, pulling and hanging. The dancers suck you into a turbulent relationship in which the importance of space leads to intense tensions.

With 'FRAME', the Collective DansBlok wants to make visible what dancers physically feel; inevitably you are in, playing with and caring for each other's space. The duet makes visible, palpable and tangible how we can challenge, balance and need each other. In a society that is increasingly individualistic, we illustrate how together is better than alone.

Discipline: dance
Duration: 30 min
Language: -
Age: ALL

 Collectief DansBlok

Show times and venues

Day Time Venue Entrance
Fri 25 Aug 2023 19.00-19.30 Pay what you can after the show
Fri 25 Aug 2023 21.45-22.15 Pay what you can after the show
Sat 26 Aug 2023 15.30-16.00 Pay what you can after the show
Sat 26 Aug 2023 17.45-18.15 Pay what you can after the show
Sun 27 Aug 2023 14.00-14.30 Pay what you can after the show
Sun 27 Aug 2023 16.00-16.30 Pay what you can after the show

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Collectief DansBlok

Éryn Nieuwint

Collectief DansBlok (NL) FRAME

'FRAME' is a dance performance about taking up space and discovering each other's boundaries. What does space actually mean, can space belong to someone? Which boundaries should you guard, which ones should you shift and when does the boundary fade or is it even crossed?

Two people in a fenced off frame sense each other's presence and the space. With detailed movements they get to know each other's point of view. Approach and resistance alternate. What at first looks playful and innocent leads to more and more friction and roughness. There is throwing, pulling and hanging. The dancers suck you into a turbulent relationship in which the importance of space leads to intense tensions.

With 'FRAME', the Collective DansBlok wants to make visible what dancers physically feel; inevitably you are in, playing with and caring for each other's space. The duet makes visible, palpable and tangible how we can challenge, balance and need each other. In a society that is increasingly individualistic, we illustrate how together is better than alone.

Discipline: dance
Duration: 30 min
Language: -
Age: ALL

 Collectief DansBlok

Show times and venues

Day Time Venue Entrance Put in my agenda
Fri 25 Aug 2023 19.00-19.30 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Fri 25 Aug 2023 21.45-22.15 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sat 26 Aug 2023 15.30-16.00 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sat 26 Aug 2023 17.45-18.15 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sun 27 Aug 2023 14.00-14.30 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google
Sun 27 Aug 2023 16.00-16.30 Pay what you can after the show Outlook / iCal   Google

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